Does Your Gutter Need To Be Cleaned, Repaired, or Replaced?

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Worker Attaching Aluminum Rain Gutter to Fascia of House.
If your gutter system isn’t keeping water away from your roof and home as it should, you are probably looking at getting someone to help you clean, repair, or replace the system. If you’re not familiar with gutter maintenance yourself, it can be difficult to know which option is right for your situation and gutter condition. Here are some basic guidelines of when gutters need to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced.

Cleaning and inspecting gutters

You should get your gutters cleaned and inspected at least twice per year, at the end of spring and the end of fall. A professional gutter cleaning should include a complete inspection of the joints, fasteners, and other hardware that make up the gutter. If fasteners have fallen away or become corroded, they can usually be easily repaired during the cleaning process.

Repairing gutters

A gutter system is usually pretty durable, only needing replacement about every 15 to 20 years. Most of the time you’ll be able to repair gutters very inexpensively to further stave off replacement. The more localized the issue, the more likely it can be repaired effectively. 

Some of the most common gutter repairs include:

  • Sealing small fissures to prevent large breaks in the gutter line
  • Remedying one joint leak
  • Loose fasteners or hangers allowing it to pull away from the house
  • Detached gutters can often be reattached with new fasteners and brackets.

There are a few other more serious issues that might indicate a need to replace the gutters if it applies to the whole system, but might be eligible for repair with the replacement of the one affected section. Drooping or sagging gutters are a big problem for homeowners and a safety hazard; but if just one section is damaged, repair might still be possible.

Replacing gutters

If you find yourself doing a lot of repairs, you should probably consider just replacing the gutter system entirely. Being able to replace fittings and hangers in spots is feasible. But if all of the fasteners need to be replaced, it is a good indication that the gutter system is old enough to just need replacement. 

If your gutters become so damaged that they cannot be attached properly to the building or if they are sagging in multiple locations, you really need to get your gutters replaced, and as soon as possible. If you are not sure if your gutters need to be replaced or repaired, contact us today for an evaluation.